It's surprising how many just how many companies offer free online insurance quotes. But, there are a couple of questions one should ask oneself when considering applying for car insurance quotes. How can you, as the consumer, take advantage of this, and should you apply for all the quotes available, or just a select few. It's also surprising how many people search for cheap online insurance quotes, but why pay for something you can get for free even from the large, well none providers? With that being said, here is a list of the top companies offer instant free quotes.
One of the easiest and fastest ways to lower your car insurance rates is to use a company that provides customized comparison rates from a large number of different carries; you know the ones I'm talking about. One of the highest rated insurance comparison sites I've found is Hometown quotes works with agents across the country to help you get the best local agent and the lowest rates available. Hometown Quotes works with all types of insurance, so you can combine different types of policies for even deeper discounts. This truly makes them a one-stop-shop for insurance. Get your free quote compairson here. One of the top carriers is AIG Auto Insurance(a.k.a. American International Group). AIG is a top insurance company and, according to their reputation, certainly belong in this list. They are none as a multi-line insurance provider which means they offer more than just auto coverage. Their services also include travel, life, and health insurance, as well as various financial and business services. At their website, you also find many helpful articles and guides such as "What are the Driving Laws in My State?". State Farm is a well known carrier, well established company with offices all over the country, although not in every state. Since all the information on this blog is unbiased, I must report the bad with the good. Now we all know that every company is going to get some complaints, but State Farm seems to get more than their fair share. Statements like the one below, from can be found all over the internet. Here is another list of bad reviews. My experience was bad enough that I not only left them likely forever, but I also pro actively prevent people from using their services and will use my blog to share my story with others. After writing and re-writing this a few times, I realized it’s hard to comprehensively explain the problems that happened in a short summary, so my apologies for the long post. Geico offers a free, instant online quote and specializes strictly in auto insurance. You might think this would make them better at their job, but think again. Geico gets mixed reviews, but there is a commonality among the bad ones and that is Geico is great until comes time to file a claim. Nationwide offers a free online quote and has a full range of coverages which includes autos, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and boats. However, Nationwide also has it's more than it's share of bad ratings and reviews. Will we ever find a Good car insurance company? Well, don't despair. If you've gotten this far, your obviously taking to time to do the research, and the best way to find a quality product or service is to find out what others - with experience - have to say about it. Here is one especially interesting comment by an auto mechanic: I work in a body shop and was surprised to find out that Nationwide Insurance can put used parts on a 2005 Chevy Cavalier that has less than 3700 miles on the vehicle. All the other insurance companies we have dealt with stated that new parts had to be put on new vehicle unless over 15,000 miles were on vehicle. Has there been a recent change in the laws? I used to have Nationwide for my vehicles and was very dissatisfied with their service and rates. I'm glad I switched companies. I hope the owner of this brand new vehicle does the same.
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